Object Management Systems (Dussman Service Deutschland, Berlin, 2013-2020)
Security, Documentation, Testing, Training and
Maintenance for this Multi-User Database Management System on Windows 7-10 using
Microsoft Office 2003-2016, Win32 API and VBA.
It provides employees with an easy to use method of managing
Objects, Machines, Services, Orders, Inspections and Maintenance.
It produces comprehensive statistical reports and documentation on demand.
The Documentation was written in German.
Sachverständiger für Informations-Technologe (LGL, München, 2010-2012)
Stellungnahmen und Gutachten nach meiner Sachkunde, Qualifikation und
Erfahrung. Meine Aufgabe als Sachverständiger besteht hauptsächlich darin,
das Gericht unabhängig, unparteiisch und objektiv zu helfen um zu einem
gerechten Urteil zu gelangen. Dabei habe ich persönlich der Staat Bayern
12 Millionen Euro in Schadenersatz gespart.
Inspection Management System (LGL, München, 2010-2012)
Security, Documentation, Testing, Training and
Maintenance for this Multi-User System on Windows XP Professional using
Microsoft Access 2003, Outlook 2003, Exchange Server, Win32 API, MSGraph
and VBA. It provides employees with an easy to use method of managing
inspections and providing statistical reports. It generates teams
automatically, allocating the correct employees and checking their
availability using Outlook and Exchange Server. It produces comprehensive
inspection documentation on demand to facilitate the inspection process
and can import the resulting reports from Microsoft Word automatically.
The graphical user interface (GUI) was written in German.
Artikel Management System (LGL, München, 2009)
Security, Documentation, Testing, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System on Windows XP Professional using Microsoft Access 2003, Win32 API
and VBA. It provides employees with an easy to use method of tracking
equipment and managing stock. It generates warnings and orders
automatically when stock levels fall too low. Equipment is allocated to
employees and stock is controlled using accurate inventories. The
calibration of critical equipment is monitored automatically and warnings
generated as required. The graphical user interface (GUI) was written in
Print-Screen (Richard Bates, A Few Weekends, München, 2007)
Print-Screen was designed to print the entire current PC monitor picture to the current default printer at it's resolution
settings. i.e. This is really good quality if the printer is setup for high quality. This is great for quickly printing
Presentations, Images, Video-Snapshots, Open Files, and many other uses that I haven't thought of yet. It's absolutely
necessary for quickly documenting programs and quickly saving complex program-settings. It was written in Visual Basic
using just the Win32 API. It hooks into the Windows-Keyboard-Function-Chain, formats and
prints screen-images with borders as predefined by the user. This program works even in Windows 7 & Windows 8 and you can download it free from this
Website. Just ignore any warnings because I haven't signed it yet. It's absolutely harmless and absolutely fantastic. Trust me!
This latest version continues to work perfectly even though Windows keeps trying to unload it after 4 executions. For those with
the .Net Framework you can now download a free .Net version.
Sales Management Systems (Studio49, München, 2005-2007)
These systems were designed to provide employees with an easy to use sales program and better communication services. They
were originally written in Microsoft Quick Basic in ASCII for DOS. My task was to convert these systems, causing minimal
disruption, into Windows ANSI, Visual Basic and SQL-Server for Windows 2000 Professional and Server Systems. I also had to
add modern communication methods (i.e. Fax and Email). I used the following tools: David Fax Server, Barcodes (Reader, Fonts
and Dlls), Visual Studio, Visual Basic, ODBC, SQL Server Database, ADO, MS Office 2000 Objects (Word and Excel), VBA, and
the Win32 API. First I had to write procedures that converted all the old ASCII data files into SQL-Server ANSI Tables. I
then converted all the old code into Visual Basic and added the new functionality. This resulted in almost 200 forms, modules
and objects. The systems were then tested and debugged until the new programs matched the existing programs and the new
functionality was stabile.
Repair Information System Website (Studio49, München, Spring 2006)
This Internet system was designed to provide both employees and customers with a fast and simple service for finding the
correct spare-parts for any instrument. They can even select the correct spare part by simply clicking on the part within
an image of their instrument. They can also add as many parts as they wish to their shopping trolley. This multi-lingual
website can be configured to use any language. I did the consultation, design, implementation, testing, training and
maintenance on Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional using Visual Studio, Visual Interdev,
Visual Basic, Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Script, Java Script, HTML, CSS, ActiveX Objects and DLLs, SQL Server
and the Win32 API.
Contact and Document Management System (Studio49, München, 2004)
This system was designed to provide employees with fast and simple information and communication services. It allows any
employee to quickly find any documents relating to one or more contacts. The Contact table is a combination of customers,
suppliers or contacts from within the different company computer management systems. The Contact form has a corresponding
filter-form that allows any employee to quickly send an email or fax, or simply print letters, to one or more contacts. The
documents are automatically generated in Microsoft Word. Each document is created in the appropriate language with standard
texts. The user must only add or change the body text and click the appropriate send button. The documents are automatically
stored according to the centrally managed search criteria in a hierarchical folder. All document searches use the inbuilt
Windows search form which allows the document text to be searched. This system was built for Windows 2000 Server and Windows
2000 Professional). I used the following tools: David Fax Server, Visual Studio, Visual Basic, ODBC, SQL Server Database,
ADO, MS Office 2000 Objects (Word and Excel), VBA, and the Win32 API.
Production Management Systems (Studio49, München, 2002-2003)
These systems enable employees to control and plan the factory production. These systems were originally written in Microsoft
Quick Basic in ASCII for Microsoft DOS. My task was to convert these systems, causing minimal disruption, into Visual Basic
for Windows 2000 Professional and Server Systems. I also had to add modern communication methods (i.e. Fax and Email). I used
the following tools: David Fax Server, Visual Studio, Visual Basic, MS Office 2000 Objects (Word and Excel), VBA, and the
Win32 API. First I had to write procedures that converted all the old ASCII data files into ANSI data files. I then converted
all the old code into Visual Basic and added the new functionality. This resulted in about 200 tables, queries, forms, modules
and objects. The systems were then tested and debugged until the new programs matched the existing programs and the new
functionality was stabile.
Management Information System Intranet Website FBUE (Nestlè, Frankfurt, 2001)
This Intranet system was designed to provide employees with a very fast service for searching and viewing product and
financial information within the entire Nestlè group of companies. I did the consultation, design, implementation, testing,
and training on Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP Professional using Visual Studio, Visual
Interdev, Visual Basic, Active Server Pages (ASP), Visual Basic Script, Java Script, HTML, CSS, ActiveX Objects and DLLs,
ODBC Oracle Database and the Win32 API.
Stock Market Coffee Management Systems LIFO (Nestlè, Frankfurt, 2001)
These systems enable employees to control the stock market coffee information. These systems were originally written in
Multiplan for Microsoft DOS. My task was to convert these systems into simple Microsoft Access systems for Windows 2000
Professional and Server Systems. I converted all the old code into Visual Basic and added the new functionality. This
resulted in about 100 tables, queries, forms, modules and objects. The systems were then tested and debugged until the
new programs matched the existing programs and the new functionality was stabile.
Computer program Management System ITOC (Nestlè, Frankfurt, 2001)
This system enables support staff to manage all the Nestlè computer program information. This system was already designed
in Microsoft Access but not functional. My task was to redesign the system so that it worked properly and upgrade it to an
ODBC SQL Server Database. This was a relatively simple process. I just had to create a Logical Data Model (Entity
Relationship Model), add, change or remove the necessary keys and then enforce System-Integrity.
Vendor Integration Systems (Digital Rum, Munich and London, 2000)
These systems enable mobile phone applications to contact in real time various product suppliers. My first task was to
create a test supplier in SQL Server so that the core java application could be tested with real mobile phones. My
test database was the only database that never crashed during the various testing stages. My next task was to design the
connections within the B2C infrastructure between Digital Rum and it's corporate suppliers. Each supplier had a different
computer system so I had to create a package for each type of supplier. This was known as the DrumKit and contained all
the documentation and code needed to create a secure connection between Digital Rum and a supplier. I installed the various
parts with each supplier on their Internet Server. I then configured the server code to access their product information
and prices in their database and return the information to the calling internet function. The product offers from various
suppliers could then be compared to find the best offer. I consulted, designed, implemented, secured, tested, documented,
explained and maintained these Internet Systems on Windows NT Server, Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 Professional using
Visual Studio, Visual Source Safe, Visual Interdev, Visual Basic, Visual Basic Script, Visual C++, C, Active Server Pages,
Java, ActiveX DLLs, XML, SSL, HTTPS, ODBC, SQL Server Database, ADO, MSAccess, MSWord, Windows Crypto API, VBA, and the
Win32 API.
Performance Management Consultancy System (Westminster Education Consultants, Summer 2000)
I consulted, designed, implemented,secured, tested, documented, explained and maintained this Multi-User System on Windows
98 using MSAccess, VBA and Win32 API. It allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities for
Schools, Consultancies and Consultants. It integrates with the Data Model for the Schools Inspection and Advanced Teachers
Entity Development Ecommerce Web Site (Entity Development, Summer 2000)
I designed this Web Site on Windows 2000 Server using Microsoft Visual Interdev 6, Microsoft Access 2000 and Microsoft
Active Server Pages. It uses Cascading Style Sheets and objects to automatically change the site theme and layout. Active
Server Pages (ASP) are used to generate browser compatible HTML and provide database functionality. Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL & HTTPS) were used to create secure connections over the internet.
Foreign Legal Materials System (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Spring 2000)
Consultation, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User System on
Windows 98 using MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates between the relationships for Organisations, Collections, Libraries,
Languages, etc.
Number Portability (Eircom UK Ltd, Spring 2000)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System on Windows NT using MSAccess, Win32 API and VBA. It
allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities
for Operators, Contacts, Customers, Numbers, Employees, etc. It integrates
with the Data Model for the Global Roaming Management System.
Switch Data Reporting System (Eircom UK Ltd, Spring 2000)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System on Windows NT using MSAccess, Win32 API, MSGraph and VBA. It
provides a simple interface for producing customized 2D and 3D graphs on
Processor Load, Route Traffic and Destination Data. It automatically
imports the Switch Data and has an Archive facility. The graphs can be
Printed, Faxed or Emailed via the Internet.
Meeting Management System (Eircom UK Ltd, Spring 2000)
Consultation, Management, re-Design,
Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System on Windows NT using MSAccess and VBA. It allows easy navigation and
updates between the Relationships and Entities for Meetings, Points,
Actions, Contacts, Employees, etc. It produces Agendas and Minutes on
demand that can be Printed, Faxed or Emailed via the Internet.
Global Roaming Management System (Eircom UK Ltd, Winter 1999)
Consultation, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User System on
Windows NT using MSAccess, Win32 API, VBA and MSWord. It draws a graphical
representation of each Customer Route and can automatically Fax or Email
Diagrams and Reports to the appropriate Operator Contacts. It allows easy
navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities for
Customers, Contacts, Routes, Switches, Contracts, Employees, etc. It
tracks each Contract Life Cycle and automatically records all Actions.
Network Management System (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Autumn 1999)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation and Testing for this Multi-User System in MSAccess and VBA. It
allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities
for Users, Equipment, Networks, etc.
OFSTED Advanced Teachers System (Westminster Education Consultants, Summer 1999)
Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System on Windows NT using MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows
easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities for
Schools, Teachers and Inspections. It integrates with the Data Model for
the Schools Inspection System.
Printing Management System (University Hospital Birmingham, Summer 1999)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, Win32 API, VBA and MSWord. It integrates
the Sales and Accounting Functions. It allows easy navigation and updates
between the Relationships and Entities for Customers, Contacts, Products,
Orders, Issues, Employees, etc.
Finance Systems (University Hospital Birmingham, Spring 1999)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for these Multi-User
Systems in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord.
- Time Sheets and Periodic Payment Systems
- General Ledger Feed Systems
- Invoice Feed, Query and Request Management Systems
- Outliers Management System
- IT Projects Management System
- Network and Service Systems
Intranet Discussion System (University Hospital Birmingham, Spring 1999)
Consultation, Management and Support for this Intranet System using
Microsoft Access and Microsoft Active Server Pages. Active Server Pages
are used to generate Browser Compatible HTML and provide Database Functionality.
Free Business Management System (Entity Development, Summer 1998)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, Win32 API, VBA and MSWord. This application
is a Multi-user PC Software Package for Small Companies but will scale to
many Users if necessary. It integrates the Sales, Service, Human Resources
and Accounting Functions with Email, Fax and Telephone Functions. It automates many
Accounting Functions and produces Trial Balances and Balance Sheets on
demand. It allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships
and Entities for Accounts, Transactions, Opportunities, Calls, Customers,
Contacts, Products, Orders, Employees, Workgroups, Procedures, Actions,
Copying Management System (The Law Society, Spring 1998)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It automates many Office
Functions. Customers and Invoices are imported from and exported to an
Oracle Cfacs Database. It allows easy navigation and updates between the
Relationships and Entities for Customers, Enquiries, Transactions,
Services, etc.
Admissions Database (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, Spring 1998)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation
and updates between the Relationships and Entities for Students, Courses,
Human Resources & Contact Management System (K Bar PLC, Winter 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It automates the allocation
and execution of many Sales Functions.
Service Specification System (British Internet Broadcasting, Autumn 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation and Testing for this Multi-User System in MSAccess and VBA. It
allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities
for Employees, Roles, Responsibilities, Procedures and Actions.
OFSTED Schools Inspection System (Westminster Education Consultants, 1997)
Consultation, Management,
Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and
Maintenance for this Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows
easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities for
Schools, Contracts, Inspectors, Teams and Inspections. It produces Excel
Spreadsheets and Reports on demand that can be Printed, Faxed or Emailed
via the Internet to Team Members.
Dog Management System (Entity Development, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing,
Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User System in MSAccess,
VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates between the
Relationships and Entities for Dogs and produces Pedigrees and Trial
Matings on demand (this is a serious program)! Etc.
Corporate Web Site & CD Jukebox (Pearl Assurance, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design and
Implementation for this Multi-User System on NT Server 4.0 using an Access
Database, Active Server Pages (ASP), FrontPage (HTML) and Internet
Information Services (IIS). It provides fast access to Archived Corporate
Data using a Web Browser.
Corporate Web Site (SBC Warburg, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design and Implementation for this Multi-User
System on NT Server 4.0 using an Access Database, Active Server Pages
(ASP), FrontPage (HTML) and Internet Information Services (IIS). It
provides fast access to Archived Corporate Data using a Web Browser.
Services Database (Business Link Wandsworth, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design and Implementation for this Multi-User System in MSAccess and VBA in one day. It
provides fast and easy access to Service Information within Southwest London.
Jukebox Explorer (Citibank, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design and Implementation for this Multi-User
System in Visual Basic as an OLE Client using Watermark (MS SQL Server) as
an OLE Automation Server with an Access Database for Folder and File
searches. It provides fast access to Archived Corporate Data.
Visual Explorer (BZW, 1997)
Consultation, Management, Design and Implementation for this Multi-User System in
Visual Basic as an OLE Client using Watermark as an OLE Automation Server,
MS SQL Server, an Excel Spreadsheet and an Access Database for Folder and
File searches. It provides fast access to Archived Corporate Data.
Double-Entry Accounting System (Entity Development, 1996)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation,
Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It automates many Accounting Functions
and produces Trial Balances and Balance Sheets on demand. It allows easy
navigation and updates between the Relationships and Entities for
Accounts, Transactions, Customers, Contacts, Employees, Actions, etc.
Sales Management System (Entity Development, 1996)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation,
Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates
between the Relationships and Entities for Opportunities, Customers,
Contacts, Employees, Actions, etc.
Problem Management System (Entity Development, 1996)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation,
Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this Multi-User
System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates
between the Relationships and Entities for Calls, Customers, Contacts,
Employees, Actions, etc.
Conference Management System (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 1996)
Consultation, Management, Design,
Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation
and updates between the Relationships and Entities for Customers,
Contacts, Employees, Actions, Events, Bookings and Services.
Library Services Management System (Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 1995)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and
Entities for Enquiries, Transactions and Services.
Record License Management System (Tring PLC, 1994)
Consultation, Management, Design, Implementation, Security, Testing, Documentation, Training and Maintenance for this
Multi-User System in MSAccess, VBA and MSWord. It allows easy navigation and updates between the Relationships and
Entities for Artists, Contracts, Albums, Tracks, Media, etc.